I guess it is akin to the proverb, "the straw that broke the camel's back."
Nothing broken, but feeling a bit overwhelmed this morning. While heading in to the office, we passed an accident scene. It is a motorocycle accident and it was a fatality. I do not know anyhting about the victim - male or female, young or old, nationality or religion. All I know is that one more soul has departed this life.
This is the fifth time someone's death has touched me this year. The other four I knew. My cousin Evalee died in January. She knew she was sick for only two months before death overcame her. In late March, a friend from church, Michael, died suddenly from an illness that did not manifest itself until just before he passed away. My uncle George left this earth two weeks ago after a three year illness. And just yesterday, a friend from college, Phil, not a close friend but one whom I had just reconnected with at a reunion in 2009, died in an automobile accident along with his adult daughter.
If you include late last year, this is number six - my father-in-law left to be with the Lord in November - in less than 6 months.
Five I knew. Four I knew pretty well. Three were family.
To all death came in different ways - some watched it steadily, even if quickly, approaching, and for Phil and this morning's stranger death came suddenly and without warning.
I love this life God has given me, I love my wife and family, and God has blessed me with dear friends whom I love as my own family. And in times like today, I dearly miss them.
All this creation belongs to the Lord, and God loves all of His children. Many I have confidence will be with Him after they leave this earth.
This jounal has been in part a way to share my travel experiences, but also in part a way to share what I see God trying to show me about His world.
And the message I hear today is to appreciate what we have been given, be joyful in what we have been given, and let those we love know it.
Love and blessings to all!
God bless you for sharing that Alan...it's a needed reminder.
Alan, my heart is breaking for Phil and his daughter and their families. I, too, had not seen Phil since...? It was good to reconnect last summer, as you did. Thank you for posting the picture you took of the "group." I hadn't seen it and it was quite a surprise. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Phil was special to me, and I often shared some of the funny stories of Acapella tours with my family members!
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