Thursday, April 1, 2021

Holy Week Thursday - Taking Care

I used to travel often for work, spending many days or weeks away from home. As the last day of the trip arrived, the routine became more significant to me:  “This is the last time I will walk this path this morning. This is the last time I will see this view. This is the last time I will drive this road in this country.”

I knew what day would be last at those locations and so I savored each last moment and action.

If we knew which event, which day, which time would be our last, what would we do? Who would we spend it with?

On the Thursday of what we call Holy Week, Jesus knew that day would be the last full day of His ministry. The last full day before the day of His death. How did He choose to spend that day? 

The Gospels tell us that Jesus spent the evening eating and talking with His closest friends.

“And he said to them, ‘I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.’” (Luke 22:15).

And not just any meal, but a meal of remembering. Looking back to the God’s liberation of His people from enslavement. And looking forward through the bread and the wine, Jesus prepared His friends for the sacrifice He would soon make to liberate all God’s creation.

Jesus prepared His friends for what was coming. He washed their feet to show them how to serve each other. He spoke to them to be ready for the difficult times ahead. Jesus comforted his friends, He promised them they would never be left without God’s comfort and presence, He prayed for his friends.

In short, Jesus spent His last full day taking care of His friends.

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

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