Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Wednesday of Passion Week

Wednesday of Passion Week:  “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish, and five were wise. The five who were foolish didn’t take enough olive oil for their lamps, but the other five were wise enough to take along extra oil. When the bridegroom was delayed, they all became drowsy and fell asleep.”

On our trip in June 2017 to the Holy Lands, we visited a shop in Bethlehem. Not a typical tourist shop, for they carried not only inexpensive tourist trinkets but also high-end hand carved olive wood, jewelry, and artifacts. One item we were drawn to was a Roman-era Jewish lamp and oil vase.

It reminded me of the parable of the bridesmaids that Jesus taught during the Passion Week. Of the ten bridesmaids, all had lamps but only five had prepared for the unexpected and brought extra oil. So when the groom finally arrived, they were ready to keep their lamps lit.

Over my life and even in just the last few days, I have experienced and in some cases suffered the unexpected. I have been let down, the simple things became hard to accomplish, muscles ached, I have been frustrated. Perhaps my expectations were set too high, sometimes they were reasonable but others’ priorities superseded. In all cases, my lamp was drained. 

For me, my extra oil is what I fall back on when my lamp is empty. Or more accurately, who I rely on to fill me with new oil when my lamp runs dry.

Jesus is coming and he will keep me prepared.

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