Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Holy Week Tuesday - Something Different

Nothing seems quite right these days. There are a lot less cars to compete with at the intersections during my morning walk. But I am seeing far more other walkers than I normally do. So, to practice the physical distancing guidelines, I am veering off the sidewalk onto the grass a lot more often than walks in the past.

The stores are nearly empty of people, but the many of the shelves are empty, too.

My 91 year old Dad needs me to help him, so I go to help,  but we can’t hug. I miss seeing and playing with my granddaughters. I visit with my family and spiritual family via technology, but can’t hug or hold them. I don’t like the forced physical distance.

What has this to do with Easter Week? Did that week seem normal to Jesus? To his disciples? To his enemies? 

A simple phrase appears frequently in the Gospel story of Holy Week.

“He returned to Bethany” in Matthew and Mark, and “each evening he returned to spend the night on the Mount of Olives” in Luke.

Jesus and his followers are in Jerusalem during the busiest week of the year. They spend nearly the entire daylight hours there, mainly it seems in or near the Temple. But each evening they leave the hustle and bustle for the hills. Some days it may have been with their friends in Bethany, other days it seems to be in the quiet of the olive groves on the slopes on the mount between Jerusalem and Bethany.

Jesus sought quiet. For himself and his friends. 

These days for us have been different. Maybe more quiet or maybe more activities at home.  But it has been something different.  

But different may be just what we need at the moment. Time away from the usual busy-ness of our lives. More time with the people that matter most. More appreciation for those we are not with that we long to be with. More time to pray by name for each one I love.

God, let me be always grateful for the moments you have given me.

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