Sunday, June 3, 2018

Israel - Paths of Giants 6/3/2017

The past two days have filled us.  We have walked the streets and along the harbor of Jaffa, where Jonah set sail trying to flee God, where the cedars of Lebanon arrived destined for Solomon’s Temple, and where Peter raised Dorcas and saw God's vision to teach the Good News to the Gentiles.  

We drove in the hills and valleys where Samson lived and wandered, the land of first allocated to the tribe of Dan.  Near the growing city of Bet Shemesh (in the left distant background in the picture below), whose predecessor village once housed the Ark of the Covenant.

But one highlight was climbing and standing atop the hill of Azekah, where the Philistines once camped, and overlooking the Elah Valley (behind me to the right) where David defeated Goliath.

“You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." (1 Samuel 17:45)

The joy to walk the same paths as prophets, apostles, judges, shepherds, warriors, giants, and kings.

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