Sunday, June 10, 2018

Israel - Walking where Jesus walked 6/10/2017

One year ago today was a day focusing on Jesus.  We spent the morning in the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus spent his last night in prayer and agony.  We spent time near the same olive trees that may been young saplings when Jesus was there. 

We looked over the Holy City where Jesus may have wept over Jerusalem, and where David may have, too, when he fled from Absalom.

We listened to the Lord's Prayer in Hebrew, then Latin, then all together in English.

We meditated on Psalm 88 in the dungeon where Jesus may have been held the night of his trial, and the nearby courtyard where Peter denied knowing Jesus.  We saw the Roman road that Jesus may have traveled down on the way to Caiphas and to Pilate.

We walked the path Jesus walked from his scourging and mocking to his death.  We saw and knelt and touched the rock that held his cross.  We stooped low to see a portion of the stone that sealed his tomb, and touched the now empty slab that once held his body.  We listened to the chants, songs, and prayers of his followers, and made friends with Italians, Greeks, Mexicans, French, and Peruvians who also came to honor our Lord.

Other places try to claim they have the correct location, but just don't have the history, archaeology, or tradition behind them.

But while all the places are interesting and quite moving, it isn't most important exactly where Jesus suffered, walked, prayed, was jailed, was beaten, died, or was buried.  Most important is that the tomb is empty, and our Lord has conquered death, is risen and lives!

"Don’t be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!" (Mark 16:6)

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